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Term: Article 29 Working Party (WP29)

The Article 29 Working Party (WP29) used to be an EU advisory body on data protection until it was replaced by the EDPB after GDPR’s enactment in May 2018.

What is The Article 29 Working Party (WP29)?

The Article 29 Working Party (WP29) was an independent advisory body established within the European Union to offer guidance and insights on data protection matters. Made up of representatives from EU member states, its mission was to ensure a unified data protection approach within the EU.

Related Resources for WP29’s Data Protection Initiatives

The Working Party on the Protection of Individuals with regard to the Processing of Persönliche Daten, often referred to as WP29, has several key resources that form the backbone of its data protection initiatives:

  1. General Data Protection Reform Agreement
    • A vital framework that outlines the modernization and strengthening of data protection rules within the European Union.
  2. Richtlinie 95/46/EC
    • Established by the European Parliament and Council, this directive focuses on safeguarding individuals’ personal data and ensures the free movement of such data. Key articles, such as 29, 30, and 31, outline legal responsibilities and guidelines.
  3. Directive 2002/58/EC (Directive on Privacy and Electronic Communications)
    • This directive specifically addresses the security and privacy of personal data in the realm of electronic communications. Article 15 is noteworthy for its focus on data protection.
  4. Opinions and Recommendations from WP29
    • These are well-researched insights and practical recommendations aimed at improving data privacy and protection mechanisms.
  5. Members of WP29
    • Comprised of representatives from data protection authorities, the group collaborates to improve data protection across the EU.
  6. WP29’s Rules of Procedure
    • Governs how WP29 operates, ensuring that their procedures are transparent and effective for decision-making on data protection matters.

These resources form a comprehensive foundation for understanding and implementing the initiatives spearheaded by WP29, ensuring robust data protection standards throughout the EU.

More Information

With the introduction of the Allgemeine Datenschutzverordnung (GDPR) in 2018, the establishment of a new body became necessary. This led to the formation of the European Data Protection Board (EDPB), which effectively replaced WP29.

The EDPB took over the responsibilities of the WP29 and expanded on its mandate. This new body works to ensure consistent application of the GDPR across EU member states, providing clearer, more streamlined guidance to businesses and individuals.

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