Understanding Art. 77: How To Lodge a Complaint Under The GDPR
As our digital footprints grow larger with the increased reliance on online services, understanding our rights related to data privacy
Vendor Due Diligence Checklist For Sellers
Your prospects and customers will conduct many vendor due diligence on you if you sell to other businesses (B2B). You...
Ein schrittweiser Leitfaden für Aufzeichnungen von Verarbeitungstätigkeiten (RoPA)
In this article, we’ll be showing you the ropes around all things “RoPA” — what a RoPA is, why it...
CCPA/CPRA Vendor Risk Management Checklist
Learn about the CCPA/CPRA Vendor Risk Management and Assessment Requirements.
Data Subject Requests (DSR) – Response Times
Received a data subject request? Have you responded to a data subject request a few hours or days late? Or
10 Biggest GDPR Fines (Until 2025)
List and overview of fines and penalties under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Die fünf wichtigsten Trends beim Datenschutz im Jahr 2025
Wie wird sich der Datenschutzsektor im Jahr 2024 entwickeln? Da neue Datenschutzgesetze auftauchen und die Durchsetzungsmaßnahmen zunehmen, wird dieser Sektor...
The GDPR vs. CCPA & CPRA – Comparison
This comparison aims to assist organizations in understanding the relevant provisions of the GDPR and the CCPA and CPRA, to...
Vendor Due-Diligence | Red Flags To Look For
Performing a vendor due-diligence or privacy risk assessment when onboarding a new vendor is of utmost importance. What are the...
Vendor Offboarding Checklist – Compliance and Risks
Vendor offboarding can happen for various reasons. During the vendor offboarding process, organisations stop vendors from using company resources and...