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Be The Hero That Ends Compliance Chaos

Assess, monitor and manage third-party compliance risks with hoggo, and clear up the bottlenecks.

No credit card required

hoggo hero
hoggo compliance plattform
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Regulatory compliance meets automation​

Automated Assessments

Transform 3-week assessments into 5-minute strategic decisions with AI-powered risk evaluation and mitigation steps


Overall Control

Manage third-party relationships, risks and purposes within one dashboard.

Continuous Monitoring

Sleep soundly with real-time monitoring that catches vendor compliance gaps before they become issues


Designed for compliance leaders like you

Never Get Caught Unprepared

Die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen ändern sich schnell. Aber mit hoggo müssen Sie nicht darüber nachdenken. Wir überwachen die sich ändernden Vorschriften und Rahmenbedingungen und helfen Ihnen dabei, sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Bewertungen und Unterlagen auf dem neuesten Stand sind.


Verkäufer-Shenanigans Netflix

Ja, das ist möglich. Ein einziger nicht konformer Anbieter kann alles zum Entgleisen bringen.Wir überprüfen täglich die Richtlinien, Neuigkeiten, Vereinbarungen und Unterauftragsverarbeiter Ihrer Anbieter und stellen sie in einem leicht verdaulichen Überwachungs-Feed zur Verfügung.

Überwachung von Popcorn


Neue Verordnung zu erfüllen?
Überlassen Sie es Hoggo.

Document Management

Keep track of Data Processing Addendum, questionnaires, agreements and always be audit-ready.

hoggo compliance plattform

Tasks & Reminders

Streamline compliance operations with hoggo's task management.

hoggo compliance plattform

...and everything you need to succeed






Automatisierte Überwachung von Anbietern


Automatisierte Bewertung von Anbietern






Automatisierte Überwachung von Anbietern


Automatisierte Bewertung von Anbietern


Tools für die Zusammenarbeit




Rationalisierte interne Lieferantenanfragen



Hear it from them


Your executive-ready messages for hoggo approval

The Initial Chat
Don't hesitate if you need anything
Hey [Boss name], I've identified a significant opportunity to strengthen our vendor risk management process. Our current manual assessment cycle is creating material bottlenecks (3+ weeks per vendor). I've found a solution that could reduce this to 5 minutes while providing automated monitoring and enhancing our compliance posture. Can I share the details?
What's so special about them?

They are the only tool to provide automated vendor monitoring, comprehensive vendor compliance assessment and are actively implementing more regulations. This is crucial for companies in growth and expansion phases. Also, their platform is SO easy to use and they have ZERO access to company data. 

Two minutes. Open an account, invite collaborators and that’s pretty much it. 

hoggo only has access to email addresses (for those who have an account with us) and metadata. 

Tell me more
I've run the numbers on hoggo's compliance automation platform: Current cost: 120+ hours/month on manual assessments
Proposed solution: 90% time reduction + continuous monitoring
and no additional headcount needed for 2025.
Would you have 15 minutes this week to talk about it?
What about implementation?
Hi! Have you had time to think about hoggo?

It's worth mentioning that it takes 2 minutes to implement and there is no access to our company data!
[Competitor A] and [Competitor B] have already moved to automated compliance. This could give us a significant competitive advantage in vendor onboarding speed.

Should I schedule a platform demo for next week?
Hoggo der Igel in Weiß

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