Streamline Your GDPR Obligations With hoggo
With hoggo, organizations can streamline their vendor risk management efforts and stay on top of their obligations under Article 28 of the GDPR.
Automate & Streamline Your Obligations Under The GDPR
Bewertung des Anbieters
Controllers are required to make sure processors provide sufficient guarantees that their data Verarbeitung meets the GDPR's requirements.
Find Trustworthy Vendors
When you engage with a specific vendor, you're responsible for protecting your customers' data from additional risks.
Effective Due Diligence
Risks must be identified and mitigated to ensure persönliche Daten is processed in line with the controller’s standards and GDPR requirements.
Automated Monitoring & Vendor Management
Recital 81 of the GDPR emphasizes monitoring, verifying, and mitigating risks when engaging third parties.
Industry-Standard Vendor Assessments.
Your service providers' compliance with data protection standards can be assessed and evaluated using hoggo's assessment capabilities. Organizations can assess their vendors' security and privacy practices using hoggo's predefined assessments and industry-standard risk assessment frameworks.
- Comprehensive Vendor Risk Profiles
- Browse and Compare Vendors
- Find Trustworthy Vendors With Ease
Automate Manual Processes.
Typically, the vendor assessment process takes weeks or months to complete and involves manual work and repetitive tasks. Using hoggo, organizations can automate the selection and engagement of vendors, reducing the risk of partnering with non-compliant or insecure businesses.
AutomateVendor Monitoring.
Under the GDPR, organizations are expected to continuously evaluate and monitor vendor performance to ensure adherence to contractual requirements and data protection standards. By implementing automated vendor monitoring, hoggo provides real-time visibility into vendors' compliance with privacy requirements, contractual agreements, and data handling practices.
Simple Lieferanten-Management.
hoggo offers a comprehensive vendor relationship management solution. Its centralized platform provides a comprehensive view and management of vendor activities, including processing locations, owners, and risk metrics. This centralized approach enables organizations to proactively manage vendor relationships, ensuring that vendors are not putting their company at risk.