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Assess and compare third-party vendors based on multiple frameworks and regulations, obtain mitigation steps and tasks, and assess risk quantitatively.
Never miss a critical update. hoggo's automated daily monitoring alerts you to policy updates, agreement changes, new sub-processors, data breaches and more - before they become problems.
Integrate compliance processes with the rest of your business, give Sales the latest compliance information to close deals fast, and streamline operations.
Building customer trust can be challenging. By claiming your Trust Profile on hoggo, you will be able to showcase your compliance efforts with ease using sharing and embedding tools.
The regulatory landscape is changing fast. But with hoggo you don’t need to think about it. As regulations and frameworks change, we monitor them and help you ensure that your assessments and documentation are up-to-date.
Yes, it’s possible. One non-compliant vendor can derail everything. We will check your vendors’ policies, news, agreements and sub-processors everyday and serve it in a digestible monitoring feed.
New regulation to comply with?
Leave it to hoggo.
Another audit coming up? Don't stress about it.
With hoggo, all your third-parties are managed, assessed and monitored. Yes, we keep all the audit trails for you.
Whenever one thing changes, all documentation and policies need to be updated.
Annoying, right? Leave it to hoggo.
Collaboration Tools
Task Management
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