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Unlike a règlement, a directive is binding for member states only as to the result to be achieved, which means that it has to be transposed into national law.
Aspect | EU Directive | EU Regulation |
Application | Requires national implementation | Directly applicable |
Flexibility | Allows for adaptation to national contexts | Uniform across all Member States |
Timeline | Implementation deadline set in the Directive | Immediately applicable upon entry into force |
National legislation | Requires new or amended national laws | May require complementary national legislation |
Enforcement | Enforced through national laws | Directly enforced as EU law |
Uniformity | May result in variations between Member States | Ensures uniform application across the EU |
Unlike a regulation, a directive is binding for member states only as to the result to be achieved, which means that it has to be transposed into national law.
Aspect | EU Directive | EU Regulation |
Application | Requires national implementation | Directly applicable |
Flexibility | Allows for adaptation to national contexts | Uniform across all Member States |
Timeline | Implementation deadline set in the Directive | Immediately applicable upon entry into force |
National legislation | Requires new or amended national laws | May require complementary national legislation |
Enforcement | Enforced through national laws | Directly enforced as EU law |
Uniformity | May result in variations between Member States | Ensures uniform application across the EU |
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