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Early Release

Manage your vendors seamlessly with My Vendors.

Take control of your vendors, collaborate internally to approve and manage them, and ensure ongoing protection with with automated vendor monitoring.

We don’t have access to your company’s data (beyond sign up information),
and we have industry-leading security measures.

my vendors

Why My Vendors?

By offering a simple vendor management solution, automated monitoring tools, and collaboration tools, My Vendors simplifies vendor management and third party risk management.

Automated Vendor Management

Manage your vendors with ease and get a clear overview of the data you're sharing.

Export Compliance Reports

From RoPA (GDPR Art. 30) and more, generate compliance reports and summaries in one click.

Tailored Risk Levels

My Vendors provides you with a customized risk score for each vendor relationship.

Automated Vendor Monitoring

Respond quickly to vendor-related risks with real-time insights and mitigation strategies.

Interdepartmental Collaboration

hoggo ensures all stakeholders are on the same page when managing vendors.

Automated Sub-Processor List

hogggo connects your vendor management list with your subprocessor list.

SimplifiedVendor Management.

Don't get lost in a sea of vendors and shared data.

Manage all your vendors in one place with ease with My Vendors.
Stay informed about the data you're sharing and minimize risk with our mitigation strategies and vendor monitoring system.

  • Easy Vendor Management
  • Vendor Risk Management
  • Automatic Monitoring of Changes And Breaches
  • Tailored Impact Scores And Mitigation Steps
  • Cross-Department Collaboration
  • Export Compliance Reports & Summaries
my vendors
vendor monitoring

AutomatedVendor Monitoring.

New sub-processor? Changes in policies? We know all about it.

We monitor your vendors daily so you can sleep peacefully at night. You'll be notified if we spot any changes in policies, data breaches, or sub-processor changes. Wise business decisions can't be made when risks are unknown.

What's The Real Risk Level?

Each relationship with a vendor is unique.

By connecting all the relevant information, we can evaluate your company's current Risk Level and provide mitigation strategy. By doing so, you can protect your company from potential risks and stay proactive.

automated assessment

GainVisibility and Control.

When working with vendors, you must ensure that your personal data is protected. Manage your vendors, monitor them, and get a clear overview with hoggo My Vendors.

  • Generate Records of Processing Activities (RoPA GDPR Art. 30)
  • Automated Vendor Monitoring
hoggo the hedgehog in white

Take control of your vendor management.